The expert bodywork practitioners in our Silver Lake office offer all types of bodywork. Here are the types of bodywork services we offer.
What is Bodywork?
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on approach that releases tensions deep in the body by balancing the cerebral-spinal fluid from head to the toe. It relieves pain and dysfunction while improving whole-body health and performance. Cranial uses a soft touch that releases restrictions in
the soft tissues that surround the central nervous system. CranioSacral Therapy is increasingly used as a preventive health measure for its ability to bolster resistance to disease, and it's effective for a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction.
Cupping Therapy is an ancient form of alternative medicine where cups are suctioned onto your skin for several minutes for an invigorating yet calming experience. It has many purposes including help with pain, inflammation, blood flow, detox, relaxation and well being.
Neural Manipulation is a structured, interactive approach to manual therapy that considers the nervous system of the patient from skin cell to sense of self. Techniques are slow, l ight, kind, intelligent, responsive and effective. The aim is to “unstick” nerve bundles and clusters as well as
pinched nerves to provide greater mobility, ease, comfort, while down-regulating the nervous system into a calm and relaxed state.
CBD infused Lotion CBD is a chemical compound from the hemp plant, a naturally occurring substance that imparts a feeling of well-being, calmness and deep relaxation. CBD reduces your body's natural stress response and stress hormones while simultaneously alleviating pain and
Massage is perhaps one of the oldest healing traditions. Many ancient peoples – including the Ancient Greeks, Egyptians, Chinese and Indians – were convinced of the therapeutic properties of massage and used it to treat a variety of ailments.
Massage therapy is the practice of kneading or manipulating a person’s muscles and other soft-tissues in order to improve their wellbeing or health. It is a form of manual therapy that includes holding, moving, and applying pressure to the muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia.
Benefits of Massage:
One of the immediate benefits of massage i s a feeling of deep relaxation and calm. This occurs because massage prompts the release of endorphins – the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that produce feelings of wellbeing.
Levels of stress hormones, such as adrenalin, cortisol and norepinephrine, are also reduced. Studies indicate that high levels of stress hormones impair the immune system.
Some of the physical benefits of massage include:
● reduced muscle tension
● improved circulation
● stimulation of the lymphatic system
● reduction of stress hormones
● relaxation
● increased joint mobility and flexibility
● improved skin tone
● improved recovery of soft tissue injuries
● heightened mental alertness
● reduced anxiety and depression
Our office is conveniently located in Silver Lake on Hyperion Blvd.